Marcos Goncalves Lhano
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Biologist (UNESP/Rio Claro), with a Master's degree in Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation (UFMT) and a Ph.D. in Biological Sciences - Zoology (UDELAR/PEDECIBA, Uruguay). He completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Entomology at UFV through the Taxonomy Training Program (PROTAX/CNPq/CAPES). He was a professor at the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB) and is currently an Associate Professor at UFSCar, Lagoa do Sino campus. He was affiliated with the Graduate Program in Agricultural Sciences (Master's and Doctorate) and the Professional Master's Program in Agricultural Defense (which he coordinated from 2017-2019), both at UFRB, Cruz das Almas/BA campus. He served as Vice-Director of the Center for Agricultural, Environmental, and Biological Sciences/UFRB (2009/2013) and Vice-Coordinator of the Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences at the Center for Natural Sciences/UFSCar (2020/2024). He held the position of Latin America Representative of the Orthopterists' Society (2006/2020) and chaired the 12th International Congress of Orthopterology (ICO) (2016). He is an Associate Editor of the scientific journal Revista Magistra and a member of the Natural Sciences, Mathematics, and Statistics Subcommittee of the Technical Committee for Evaluation (CTAA) at INEP/MEC. He works in Regulatory and Supervisory processes at SERES/MEC and is a member of the Expert Panel of the Higher Education Chamber/State Council of Education of SP (CEE-SP). E-mail: ORCID: 0000-0002-2760-5718 (external link) CV: (external link) Research Area: Conservation Biology Research Group:
Expertise: Population Ecology; Community Ecology; Biogeography; Taxonomy and Systematics; Biodiversity Conservation. |